Know What is the Pupose of Using Botox

What is Botox? Botox is the first and only FDA approved product to improve both moderate to severe frown lines between the brows and crow’s feet. It also smoothsout the lines on your forehead. Over 11 million treatments have been performed since 2002. It has been approved in 78 countries for aesthetic use.

How does it work? Botox targets one of the underlying causes of frown lines and crow’s feet- the repeated muscle contractions from frowning and squinting over the years. Dr. Lee will inject these muscles with Botox to temporarily reduce muscle activity.You will notice a visible smoothing of these lines.

Botox Las vegas

I needed help with forehead lines. I looked like a Shar Pei.I was nervous about the pain and had put off having the injections done for this reason. However we use numbing cream before treatment and I really did not have any pain with the injections. Also the needle used for Botox injection is very thin. Dr.Lee was also able to give a little lift to my brows. I was worried that I would look frozen, when Botox is administered by an experienced injector, you should not lose the ability to show expressions. Botox is a technique sensitive procedure that should only be performed by a licensed and trained aesthetic provider who has expertise in facial anatomy. Dr. Lee has over 13 years of experience and has trained hundreds of physicians for the Allergan Company.

Frown Lines

Botox Las Vegas will last anywhere from 3 to 4 months for most patients, though the affect may be significantly longer or shorter depending on your individual metabolism. It’s best to come back for your next treatment before your Botox has completely worn away so there won’t be a dramatic change in your appearance. For most people the affect lasts longer with consistent treatments, possibly do to atrophy (shrinkage) of the muscles which are no longer being exercised. My Botox lasted about four months. I am going to continue with the treatments. The idea is to prevent the lines from becoming what we call static, meaning that they are noticeable even when you are not making a facial expression.

Botox post treatment instructions include: Icing the area for a few minutes immediately following treatment, and flexing the muscles injected. Flexing the area will give you better and quicker results. Avoid vigorous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.

Bruising is common with injections of any kind and simply reflects leakage from a tiny blood vessel. Dr. Lee can avoid visible blood vessels but no one can avoid those which are not visible. The crow’s feet area is typically the most common area to experience bruising. I had no bruising after injection. If you do have bruising it is ok to use cover up makeup. At our office we use Derma Blend.

I would recommend Botox for anyone who wants to look refreshed without looking too “done”. It’s relatively painless and there is no down time. Call us at Look Younger MD.for an appointment!

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